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This bouquet is a cheerful mix of fresh white lilies and vibrant chrysanthemums in a variety of colors, including bright pink and soft pastel shades. Accented with lush greenery and touches of eucalyptus, it’s a lively arrangement that brings a pop of color and freshness to any space. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet is designed to brighten someone’s day with its natural beauty.


Designs may Vary

Please note that due to seasonal availability and that we are a small shop, substitutions may be made to fulfill your order to the correct value and therefore won't necessarily look exactly like the photos provided. Rest assured that we will always provide fresh and high-quality flowers.


We are dedicated to accommodating special requests based on the provided budget and the flowers accessible at the time.

Should you have any inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach out through chat or call us at 1300 887 922 for further information.


White Lilies and Bright Chrysanthemums

PriceFrom $200.00
  • Delivery

    To ensure a smooth process, we advise that flowers be ordered in advance, ideally at least a day before the desired delivery date.

    Same Day Delivery

    For orders placed late, we will do our best to deliver within business hours. If we are unable to do so, we will contact you to arrange either a late afternoon (after 6 pm) or next morning delivery.

    Pick Up

    If you prefer to pick up your order, we will text or call you to confirm the pickup address in Lisarow on the day of pick up.

    Same Day Pick Up

    For same-day pick-up, please allow at least 40 minutes to 1 hour for preparation (time may vary according to the price), as each order is made to order. We will make every effort to prepare your order as quickly as possible and will contact you once it is ready. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 1300 887 922.

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